Once known as the “Killing Fields,” where the Khmer Rouge executed and buried million of people during a brutal genocide, these lands now stand as harvest fields for the Gospel—places of unimaginable suffering transformed into grounds of hope and new life through the power of Christ.
In Cambodia, where the soil once witnessed unimaginable tragedy, God is bringing about a remarkable transformation. The same fields that were once stained with the blood of the innocent are now places where the seeds of faith are being planted. Our team had the privilege of working alongside a local pastor and his church-planting team who are bringing the hope of the Gospel to villages throughout central Cambodia. They are stepping into new, unreached villages every month, planting churches and establishing communities of faith. As we walked through these areas, we saw the power of God’s love to heal and restore, turning sites of sorrow into places of life and redemption.
The pastor and his small, but dedicated team have planted over 20 churches in some of the most remote areas—rice paddies, rubber fields, and remote rural villages. The work is challenging, but their passion for bringing the Gospel to new places is unstoppable. Every Sunday, these pastors travel on motorbikes, often visiting three or four churches in a day, to minister and share God’s Word. Sometimes, they share motorbikes, dropping each other off and picking them up as they head from village to village.
A small team from the US, Malaysia, and Australia visited many of these newly planted churches, encouraging the pastors and leaders who are faithfully serving. We prayed with the people, spent time listening to their stories, and offered encouragement to help strengthen and build up their faith.

The Urgent Need for More Laborers
While the harvest is plentiful, the laborers are few. We saw firsthand that the hunger for the Gospel is there, and the only limitation to this growing movement is the need for more people who can be sent out.
The local pastor is committed to helping train and disciple more leaders so that these communities can continue to grow and thrive in their faith. Our goal is to provide training for these local leaders and provide ongoing support and discipleship to strengthen their communities of faith as they continue to bring the Gospel to those who have never heard!
Lives Changed and Hearts Opened
One of our favorite moments was when we performed a simple David and Goliath skit in a small church. We expected a group of adults but were instead greeted by a large crowd of children. As we adapted and shared the story, many of the children opened their hearts to Jesus! It was a powerful reminder that God’s Word reaches people of all ages, and sometimes the unexpected moments are the most impactful.

How You Can Be Part of This Mission
We believe the harvest in Cambodia is only just beginning, and invite you to join us in prayer for these new church plants and the leaders who are pouring their hearts into the work. Please pray for the resources, support, and people needed to keep this movement growing. We are trusting that God will raise up more laborers to carry the message of hope further into Cambodia.