Thailand Mission Reflections: Part 2 – Eyes Opened, Lives Changed

Written by Andrew George, CMA Alabama Area Rep:

As I sit at my desk considering how to summarize a life changing trip into just a couple paragraphs it’s hard to decide where to start. The experience really opened my eyes in many ways, all the things we take for granted. Seeing that he is working through people who are just willing to answer the call without knowing how he will provide.  We started our trip by visiting students at a school for evangelism where about half the students travel from Laos; where it is illegal to teach about the bible; to receive a degree and go back to evangelize in a country where they literally risk everything. We visited a school for the blind and delivered supplies, visited a military base/ museum, visited several local markets to really get to experience the culture, and then made our way to the Meang Kong River which divides Laos and Thailand. There we met with two pastors from Loas that crossed the border to visit us and tell us how God is moving in their village and how they have been able to use the transportation provided through MVI 2 years prior. After that we were blessed to be able to take part in a baptism, which included someone who after witnessing the baptisms decided to turn from Buddhism and get baptized. We ate several meals with the congregation which was made up of 4 churches that came together for one service where we had the honor of presenting 4 motorcycles to 4 different pastors on behalf of MVI and the CMA (Christian Motorcyclist Association.) We then had a day and a half to wind down the trip and see a few more sights like Iconsiam, Terminal 21, and The Royal Palace. If you ever get the opportunity to take one of these trips don’t hesitate to sign up, after all we are called to go unto all nations! Matthew 28.19-20.


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