Child and Young Person Protection Policy
Missionary Ventures Australia is committed to provide for and promote the care, protection and wellbeing of Children or Young People in a way that recognises their right to grow in a safe and stable environment and the right to be protected from Harm, and to realise their full potential.
MVA recognises the family as the primary means of providing for the nurture, care and protection of Children or Young People and to accord high priority to supporting and assisting the family to carry out its responsibilities to Children or Young People.
MVA recognises the need to strengthen, preserve and promote positive relationships between the Child and the Child’s parent, family members, leaders, mentors, spiritual advisors and significant others.
In response MVA is committed to providing a Child safe culture that is understood, endorsed and put into action by all the individuals who work for, volunteer or access any MVA program, service or managed facility.
MVA believes that child protection is both a corporate and an individual responsibility. Every person who shares in the work of MVA, including board members, staff, volunteers, contractors, ambassadors and supporters also share in the responsibility of taking every precaution to protect the children and families we serve. How we care for the most vulnerable among us is an outward expression and evidence of our love for God and all of His creation.
In accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child or young person is defined for the purposes of this policy as a human being below the age of 18 years (unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier).
MVA makes the following commitment:
- ensure that all workers understand their legal and moral responsibility to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation;
- Ensure all workers and volunteers are vigilant and trained to identify and understand the definitions, indicators and impact of harm on Children or Young People.
- Screen and provide orientation information to all individuals and groups visiting MVA missions and projects including but not limited to staff, volunteers, board members, contractors, sponsors, ambassadors and donors
- Advocate for the protection of children from all forms of exploitation, especially sexual exploitation
- Be vigilant with protecting confidential information about children and their families in MVA mission locations
- Adopt a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to child exploitation and abuse
- Recognise the best interests of the child
- Use fair and proper processes and procedures when making decisions that affect a person’s rights or interests
- Demonstrate responsibility to and respect for children by being sensitive in all communications that involve them
- Ensure appropriate recruitment and screening processes, which include police check and verbal referee checks prior to the engagement of all staff and volunteer leaders
- Have a documented internal procedure for handling reports related to child exploitation and abuse including notification to relevant law enforcement agencies as appropriate
- Not permit a person to work with or visit children if they pose an unacceptable risk to children’s safety or well-being
- Apply Child Protection Policy and Procedures equally in all situations, whether in emergency situation or across all communities we work with
- Monitor and review internal and external compliance with this policy on an annual basis
- Provide all opportunities for all workers to develop their skills and knowledge particularly in relation to the welfare and protection of children
- Ensure that any group, school, church or other outside donor agency with whom MVA works has access to this Policy and procedures upon request
- Endeavour to keep up to date with national and international developments relating to the welfare and protection of children