‘’This is Aom from Thailand. During covid her husband lost his job and they had no income so in desperation she attempted suicide by taking medicine. Thankfully, her husband was able to get her to the hospital in time and she lived. However, she attempted suicide again a number of times and one day we had the opportunity to share the Gospel with her and challenged her to come to church. She did and God changed her life, she has become very happy and has now accepted Jesus as her savior’’.
Aom’s daughter is now learning the guitar so she can join the church worship team. This is godly transformation.
All across Asia we are seeing people like Aom being transformed by the power of God and this is our Core Mission. MVA seeks to equip people to impact others for Christ by developing sustainable partnerships in the Asia/Pacific and helping to mobilize Christians to make disciplesand see lives transformed by the power of God
When you make a donation to MVA’s Core Mission you are supporting the ministry of transformation throughout the Asia/Pacific